Carta de acuse de recibo de la política escolar
Escuela de idiomas i-SEIFU
Es nuestro honor contar con usted y la oportunidad de compartir el tiempo con usted para estudiar japonés en i-SEIFU.
Esperamos que tenga una gran experiencia y vida social en el entorno educativo que proporciona i-SEIFU
La adquisición del idioma japonés basada en la enseñanza del budismo se puede concebir como algo único y obligatorio, algunos piensan que es demasiado estricto para los estudiantes del idioma japonés. i-SEIFU cree firmemente que la adquisición del idioma japonés según nuestra política lo guía a obtener la comprensión integral del idioma japonés, la cultura, la sociedad y las personas locales. Le aseguramos que logre los logros valiosos y el cumplimiento de la vida académica al final de la vida de i-SEIFU. Debemos enfatizar aquí que las enseñanzas del budismo se introducen inocentemente como una herramienta e incentivo, nada que imponer a los estudiantes para convertirse a los budistas,
(1) Concepto único de adquisición del idioma japonés.
1. i-SEIFU valora la tradición japonesa y las enseñanzas del budismo en la manera de adquirir el idioma japonés. No solo tenemos estudiantes budistas, sino también estudiantes cristianos, musulmanes y ateos, simplemente nos enfocamos en las enseñanzas budistas ...
2. Un sutra budista se canta en una asamblea general por la mañana / tarde una vez por semana y en otras ceremonias escolares. Cantar el sutra hace que la mente se pacifique y se calme. Mientras canta el sutra, se espera que mantenga las manos juntas y permanezca de pie en silencio.
3. Tienes los eventos relacionados con la creencia tradicional japonesa: visitar templos y santuarios.
(2) Filosofía de la escuela
1. i-SEIFU evalúa en gran medida el índice de asistencia, la manera en general y el autocontrol.
2. Saludarse unos a otros, especialmente en la apertura y finalización de una clase.
3. Mantén tus palabras
4. Mostrar la manera cortés entre sí.
(3) Código de vestimenta
1. Los estudiantes deben usar ropa limpia apropiada y respetuosa en el aula. No se permiten camisetas sin mangas, pantalones cortos y ese tipo de ropa corta en el campus.
2. No se permiten sandalias sin tirantes y chanclas.
3. Te animamos a llevar un traje en las ceremonias;
Una ceremonia de entrada y ceremonia de graduación.
En verano, usas una camisa de vestir con o sin chaqueta y corbata.
(4) Sistema de enseñanza
1. Los profesores de i-SEIFU administran una clase utilizando solo el idioma japonés local.
2. i-SEIFU proporciona lecciones en grupo para los estudiantes que desean ir a la universidad, a la escuela de posgrado o buscar un puesto en una empresa japonesa o en una empresa afiliada japonesa.
Puede que no sea adecuado para los estudiantes que desean pasar una vida escolar de manera alegre y divertida.
3. i-SEIFU hace que las lecciones sean avanzadas, asignando tareas y exámenes casi a diario.
4. i-SEIFU ofrece un plan de estudios bien diseñado para adquirir las cuatro habilidades y comprensión, hablar, escuchar, leer y escribir.
5. El número de horas lectivas: 20 horas a la semana.
(5) Colocación (pruebas de dominio del idioma)
1. La clase de la mañana y la clase de la tarde están predeterminadas por el nivel de cada estudiante. Usted toma los exámenes de ubicación y de acuerdo con el resultado de ellos, debe ser colocado en una clase apropiada.
Clases de grado superior: 9:20 -12: 50
Clases de grado inferior: 13:30 -16: 50
2. La capacidad de una clase es de 20 a 30 estudiantes, el mínimo de 5 estudiantes.
3. La mayoría de los estudiantes son de países asiáticos.
4. Los estudiantes a corto plazo, que son necesarios para prepararse para los exámenes de ingreso a la educación superior: graduados, estudiantes universitarios, pueden tomar cursos adicionales. La matrícula extra debe ser impuesta.
Las asignaturas son inglés, matemáticas, biología, ciencias y estudios generales.
(6) Tasa de asistencia
1. Roll-call se toma en cada clase. Un estudiante que tiene un índice de asistencia del 70% está sujeto a obtener el certificado.
(7) Instalaciones escolares
1. Todas las aulas cuentan con sistema de aire acondicionado central.
Puede ser frío en invierno o caluroso en verano.
2. La sala de estudiantes está disponible entre las 8:30 am y las 18:00 pm.
para autoaprendizaje antes y después de clase.
3. La bicicleta está disponible.
4. Dos áreas pequeñas están reservadas para los estudiantes musulmanes que hacen oración.
5. Una enfermería está disponible.
(8) Pase de cercanías
1. Los estudiantes a corto plazo pueden comprar un pase de cercanías para adultos.
No están sujetos a la política de pases de descuento para estudiantes.
(9) Otros
1. El costo de una copia del libro de texto principal está incluido en la matrícula.
Otros libros de texto y materiales complementarios están disponibles en la Oficina de Administración.
2. Los estudiantes a corto plazo no son elegibles para comprar un seguro de salud nacional japonés. Compre un plan de salud para estudiantes internacionales u otra política a través de agentes turísticos del país de origen.
(10) política de reembolso
1. El monto total de la matrícula es reembolsable, excluyendo la tarifa de transferencia bancaria y otros gastos activados cuando la cancelación de su inscripción se realice antes de la fecha de inicio de la primera clase.
2. i-SEIFU no reembolsa ningún gasto ni tarifa bajo ninguna circunstancia cuando el alumno comienza las clases.
Año de fundación
Número de aulas
Actividades sociales
Viajes culturales
Area de estudio
Audio aprendizaje
Calificaciones de los profesores
Hablantes nativos de Japonés
Profesores certificados en la enseñanza de Japonés
Profesores titulados
Mezcla de nacionalidades y edades
Las nacionalidades y edades de Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School cambian según el período, los cursos y los niveles. A lo largo del año, la edad media es 22 años. En el verano, la edad media is 24 años.
i-SEIFU tiene estudiantes de todas partes del mundo, incluyendo:
Días festivos
Fechas abiertas
Todo el año
Días festivos
20 mar 2025, 24 mar 2025 - 14 abr 2025, 29 abr 2025, 05 may 2025, 20 jul 2025, 23 jul 2025, 11 ago 2025 - 18 ago 2025, 22 sep 2025 - 13 oct 2025, 03 nov 2025, 23 nov 2025, 22 dic 2025 - 12 ene 2026, 01 ene 2026, 05 ene 2026, 02 mar 2026 - 04 abr 2026
i-SEIFU está ubicado en un distrito educativo tranquilo con un entorno seguro. Está en el centro de Osaka y tiene fácil acceso al aeropuerto nacional / internacional y a las estaciones terminales de Kyoto, Nara, Kobe y Tokio.
También está a 15 minutos a pie del centro comercial de Tennoji y del distrito de entretenimiento de i-SEIFU. Tenemos ABENO HARUKAS, el edificio más alto de Japón.
Leer más...
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97% de los estudiantes lo recomiendan
basado en 30 opiniónes
5 estrellas
4 estrellas
3 estrellas
2 estrellas
1 estrella
Calidad de la enseñanza
Instalaciones escolares
Actividades sociales
"I learned a lot and I wish I would have stayed longer!"
Elle Ikola,
estudiante de Finland
(Translated by Google Translate)
I had a wonderfull experience at I -Seifu! The teachers were so friendly and helpfull. The first couple of weeks I had a bit hard time to understand everything but the teachers tried to explain everything to me and also really encouraged me to practise my conversation skills! We had small tests almost everyday which was very good for learning. The students were so friendly too and I had the best time there! The location is very good and there is a konbini next to the school where u can go buy snacks in between breaks. I really want to come back to I-Seifu and definitely spend more than one month there:)
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, Administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 23 February 2024
Dear Elle-san
Thank you very much for your feedback to our course.
We are so glad to hear that your Japanese has improved and would like to come back to our school. Please feel free to visit us even though when you are traveling.
Also our teachers enjoyed havening you in the class since you are very motive student.
We really hope that you will carry on studying Japanese.
Please take good care and hope to see you again!
"Learning outside of school and going for school for tests."
Sina Bassiri,
estudiante de Japón
(Translated by Google Translate)
Because of the upcoming JLPT exam, the lessons were too fast and mostly just tests without explaining the content in detail. You need to learn by yourself. But the teachers and students were very nice.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, administration officer at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 04 January 2024
Dear Sina-san
Thank you for coming to our school and writing the review.
We are sorry to hear that our explanaition is not good enogh to make you undestand or follow our class. That point we need to improve our service and teaching. But we hope that your Japanese has improved by taking our class. Please enjoy lest of your time in Osaka and take care!
"Everyday learning important concepts that I could use directly in everyday conversation."
Raphael Aronowski,
estudiante de Alemania
(Translated by Google Translate)
What I liked the most was that EVERYTHING was taught in Japanese. Teachers are very good at illustrating what they mean (either by having pictures of vocabulary or actions, or through body language) so this works very well and probably is the best way to learn. Also sometimes this is hilarious so class is mostly very fun. Sometimes you will not fully understand everything but at some point everything will make sense.
Even though there are about 20 people in one class there is enough speaking practice so useful sentences get burnt in your brain. For me (as a Student that wants to learn Japanese) pace was just right. Demanding but still comfortable. Everyday you get homework which repeats what you did in class and that gets corrected the next day by the teacher to point out your individual mistakes. I felt like I was learning concepts I was needing in daily conversation almost every day. (They use the Minna Nihongo books.) The best thing about this course was that I really could use all those things in conversation. And there is a big difference in knowing things in theory and the ability to actually use them.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, Administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 16 October 2023
Dear Raphael-san
Greetings from Osaka. I hope you still remember your Japanese,
I am sorry for my late reply on your feed back. Thank you so much for your great explanation regarding our Japanese course. I am hope your Japanese made a big improvement while with us. Our classmate is missing your company in the class, so if you ever have a chance to visit us again, you are more than welcome back! Please take good care and hope to see you again in Osaka!
"Beautiful Experience"
Lauro Staurenghi,
estudiante de Italia
(Translated by Google Translate)
I stayed just one month but it was amazing. Both the teachers and the staff are great, especially Watanabe San, he was so kind and helped me also with things that didn’t concern the school. I definitely recommend to those who want to study here to have a good grasp of Japanese, if you want to do the short term course like I did (1 month). That’s because I studied quite the same things I studied in Italy: I tried a lesson in the A3 class (mine was A2) but it was too difficult. Unluckily the day we left, our classmates started studying kanji and things I wanted to study too. I wish I could study at least two months at ISeifu so that I could learn new things. Anyway the teacher’s pace is fast and everything is very clear even if you never speak English during the lessons. I am already planning to come back in 2025 because I loved every single moment at ISeifu. Thank you everyone, one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. ありがとうございました、ラウロ。
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
watanabe, administaration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 07 June 2023
Our friend Lauro-san
Thank you so much for your comments about our class in details. I am sure that your infromation will help next students to choose a jJapanese language school. Moreover thank you for your warm message about me too. Sara san and you are very populor in the class and not only me but teachers and studetns already miss you. If you would like to come back for studying again. You are more than welcome to come back. We are sure that we will see you again! Please take good care and enjoy your time in Japan!
"Fantastic school"
Sara Grazioli,
estudiante de Italia
(Translated by Google Translate)
The location of the school is really great, even if we were in the temporal building everything was organised really well. Our stay in Iseifu was of approximately one month, but if you want to learn Japanese and you already have a basic level I would recommend to stay at least two months. In fact, I already had some knowledge of Japanese but there wasn’t an intermediate class from which to start. I had to revise all things I had done in my country, which from one side was nice since I could improve my vocabulary and conversation, but on the other hand I was expecting to do new things. Apart from that, teachers are really great, even if they use only Japanese don’t be scared because through images and books in mixed language (Japanese and English for example) you can understand everything. I think this is a bonus point so that you can always use and listened Japanese at leat 4 hours a day! Also, please try to communicate with your classmates in Japanese, I did so since they were all Asians and I think it really helped my Japanese. Everyone from the staff of the school is really caring, my tutor was Watanabe and he is amazing! I really loved the fact that everyday they do little tests in class (hiragana, katakana, kanji) and a big test on every Friday so you have to really study and to measure yourself! Maybe sometimes they are a bit picky on writing but I understand there has to be a scholarship standard! I have loved my experience in Iseifu and maybe I will come back to study more and for more months! I really suggest it for a medium/long stay, maybe not for only one moth because you risk to do things you already know and that’s it.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, Administartaion staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 04 June 2023
Dear Sara-san
Thank you very much for comming to our shcool.
We also enjoyed having you in the class.
And I was also happy to support you in administration and daily life.
Thank you very much for your comments about out course in details. It will be helpful for students to have idea of our language class. Only 4 weeks is never enough for learning language, but I hope you will carry on your Japanese. We hope to see you again and please take a good care of yourself in Japan!
"Most of the teachers are quite helpful while I was in Osaka"
estudiante de Malasia
(Translated by Google Translate)
Teachers are very helpful in Seifu except for few teachers are below average in the way of teaching.
Location wise is good, facilities are quite good too. I am a afternoon student and I had spent most of
the morning in the school for own revision. Overall is ok is just to be happened Covid19 and we end up study online which I think is totally wasting time as some of the teachers may not control the situation, but I can understand this is the first time for everyone, so I am not blaming anyone.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, Administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 01 April 2020
Dear Ang-san,
Thank you for your time to write a feedback.
First of all, we apologized that our regular class had to change to online class, due to Coronavirus issue especially student like you who has high aim for learning. Also those feedback you have gave us during you are here were helpful to improve our quality of the lessons. Hopefully this corona situation gets better and we can provide a normal class again. We understand you will carry on studying Japanese, and if you need any support, please feel free to contact me again. At the end, we wish you and your family are stay safe from Coronavirus. We hope to see you again!
"Fantastic experience and immersion into Japanese"
Sav Michael,
estudiante de Australia
(Translated by Google Translate)
Definitely must have a good grasp of Japanese before entering the course , but if you do , your Japanese will excel like you'd never imagined . Intense classes ,covering all aspects of the language ,in a complete Japanese environment .
Co-Ordinators can speak English , to help with any concerns .
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, Administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 11 December 2019
Good day Savvas-san!
Thank you for your feedback for our course. Even though you are older than other classmate but your motivation to learn Japanese was very high. I am happy to hear you improved your Japanese and enjoyed the class. We know you will come back to Osaka again for your performance, please visit us again. Take it easy!
"Memorable and exciting"
amy young,
estudiante de Canadá
(Translated by Google Translate)
It was a great experience to have. The coordinator (Watanabe san) was really helpful and welcoming, and so was everyone else at the school (students and teachers alike). It was immersive, and I appreciated how the school was close to the subway station (5-10 min walk). You will probably have some catching up to do for the first week or so, but you’ll have caught up by the half of the second week. The majority of the students there are Chinese, as well as southeast Asian, so it’s great if you’re an English speaker looking for a non-English environment. The teachers there usually don’t know English either, with a few exceptions. The workload is decent, but you’ll need at-least a few hours for homework (I did anyways). There’s a kanji quiz everyday, and chants every Monday (which was slightly confusing but interesting once you’re used to it). The only downside is that there isn’t really any one on one attention, but the teachers are more than willing to give you extra handouts and things like that if needed.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, Administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 15 August 2019
Dear Amy-san,
Thank you so much for your kind review.
That is really good information who joined in on-going class.
It was pity that you had to leave suddenly. We hope that you will
come back again to continue your study of Japanese.
Thanks again and please take good care!
"The place to go if you want to improve."
Alexis Jutras,
estudiante de Canadá
(Translated by Google Translate)
I spent 3 months in total in Japan and I wanted to spent at least 1 in a language school. I was looking for a school were I could really improve. Many institution are not run by real teachers. At SEIFU I met knowledgeable, strict and yet friendly teacher. I was told that this school is notorious for having a large load of homework... It is true.
Furthermore, I asked the teacher for some supplementary homework because I'm a language learner masochist. In all not a lot of time to travel, but my Japanese improved a lot.
It's a Buddhist school so we have to respect some tradition. Like bowing before and after each class; The Monday morning prayer/mantra. It's weird at first, but it's a cultural experience at the same time.
If your goal is to focus on learning I would totally recommend.
If your goal is to review a little bit, be cozy about learning and mainly travelling, I would advise against.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, Administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 03 July 2019
Dear Alexis-san
Thank you for your reviews.
Those information will be good reference for next student.
We are grad to hear you have improved your Japanese.
It was also nice to have you in the class. If you have chance to
visit Osaka, please visit us again. We hope you will still keep up
your Japanese back in home. Take care and Keep in touch.
"Perfect if you want to master the language!"
Manuela Brenner,
estudiante de Alemania
(Translated by Google Translate)
For people who are eager to learn japanese this school is just perfect. The teachers are always there to help.
But if you are interested into learining just a bit this is not for you! Since this school awaits a lot of self studying and homework and all. The regular students are there to get to N1 within 2 years so this is how the speed goes.
But I had so much fun and met my all time favourite teacher here.
If you come around the right time there is also a school trip. It was around beginning of May. We went to Nara.
The rules here are way stricter then I am used to back in Europe. And it's very educational but I guess that is because a lot of the full time students just came to Japan and from school so they want to help them grow up, too.
The buddhism chanting is.. interesting for someone who has no idea. But it's maybe like 15 Minutes a week so I didn't bother much. I took it as a chance to read faster.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, Administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 30 June 2019
Dear Manuela-san,
Thank you very much for your review.
We know we have quite lots of work, but as you mentioned we have
very supportive teachers. I hope they have been helpful to improve your Japanese.
Please come and see us again when you come back to Japan again!
Thanks again!
"Intensive, but excellent course"
Eleanor Summers,
estudiante de Reino Unido
(Translated by Google Translate)
The teaching style at Seifu is very intensive and traditional. In the D4 (advanced) class, we had homework most days and a couple of short tests per week. We also had a few classes per week that focused on preparation and practice for the JLPT and EJU exams, which was very useful. The teachers were very helpful and supportive in finding me additional study materials specifically targeted towards taking JLPT N1.
In my third week, I was able to join a school trip to Nara, which was a lot of fun and a good opportunity to get to know my classmates better!
I would definitely recommend this school to anyone wanting to make serious progress in their Japanese learning. If you are willing to put the effort in, this course is extremely rewarding. I wish I could have stayed longer!
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, Administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 02 June 2019
Dear Eleanor-san,
Thank you so much for your time and feedback regarding our class.
We know our schools provide students lots of work, but
we grad to hear you are satisfied. we really hope you will pass N1
next time! Please visit us again, when you come to Osaka.
"A very intensive and work load heavy course but if your goal is learning Japanese and have a passion for it, I couldn't think of a better course."
Daniel Longmire,
estudiante de Japón
(Translated by Google Translate)
I took a 4 week Language course at this school and i would highly recommend it. I was a little worried about joining after reading some reviews, i was concerned that the teaching and code of conduct would be too strict and, with the lessons being in only Japanese, that i might struggle to follow them and be left behind but i thankfully enrolled and i'm very glad i did.
First of all this course is an intensive comprehensive Japanese language course. From day one you will be learning reading, writing and speaking. You will be introduced to new words daily as well as sentence structure and Kanji and you will have to work hard. If you're only looking to improve in conversation or such then this might not be the right course for you.
The teachers i found to all be very friendly and even with the fast pace of the lessons, made sure that everyone practised and participated in each part of the lesson and during the breaks or after school were very friendly and approachable. The rules were not strict in the way i thought they would be either. You are required to bow before and after each lesson and greet staff appropriately and respectfully when passing them around the school etc, As well as this other rules were standard things such as not eating in the hallways or drinking during lessons and were not tolerated which i completely agree with. I would suggest reading though the rules before enrolling as you will be expected to adhere to them all.
This course is very fast paced and even in 4 weeks i progressed a surprising amount. If you enroll you will be expected to do homework daily as well as putting your education at the school first. During this time i would find myself spending most evenings a week at home completing homework, i would then wake up every morning and begin revising until i had to leave for school and even then while waiting for my train and riding to the station i would be practicing my Kanji for that day. You will be expected to commit a large amount of time to this course not just during lessons but in return the progress is amazing. Even though most of my time for this month revolved around this class i loved every minute of it and really wished i could have stayed much longer.
The school also involves its students in the culture of Japan. During my short time there we went to Kyoto and visited the Fushimi Inari Shrine and had the unique experience of taking a tour of the grounds with our teachers who gave us explanations and insight as we traveled that you couldn't get on your own. I believe they have more tours and events during the course too. The Buddhist aspect of the school is also used to show Japanese culture as well, no attempt is made to convert students and instead it is used as a tool to help students to experience the culture as the two are very entwined in Japan.
I would definitely recommend this course for the right people and even hope to come back one day.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
watanabe, administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 16 January 2019
Dear Daniel-san
Thank you very much for your feed back in details.
Those information must useful for students to choose the schoool.
This would be the best information regarding us.
Also we are so happy to having you in our school. It was such a short time
but you made a big inprovement in your Japanese. We hope you will
carry on your study and hope to see you again near future!
We miss you and take care!
Fabian van Doeselaar,
estudiante de Japón
(Translated by Google Translate)
The school provides a rather fast pace of teaching that is manageable if you put the effort in it. You will definitely improve your skills dramatically. It includes all aspect of the Japanese language, quite some kanji too. If you are focusing on speaking only this is perhaps not the place for you. It was exactly what I hoped it to be and it gave me a good base for further study.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, short-tem program coodinator at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 10 December 2018
Dear Fabian,
Thank you for your feedback. The comment you wrote is true of our learning process, which should be helpful information for new student to choose our school.
Meantime, we also had good time having you in the class!
"Fun and interesting experience"
Andrea Buron Kawamura Vogelius,
estudiante de Dinamarca
(Translated by Google Translate)
This 1 month language course was a very good experience. The school has a lot of traditions, and you have to behave in a specific way around teachers, but that was an interesting experience, since I'm not used to bowing in the beginning of every class. The teachers and students were very nice, kind and helpful.
Watanabe-San who is in charge of the short term students was very very helpful, and always in a good mood! I wouldn't like to stay long term, but that's only because of the teaching way which could be a bit strict.
The facilities were great, and location was also ok, 15 min walk from a big station. Unfortunately I had to finish the course a bit earlier, and couldn't join the school trip to Kyoto, but it looked like they had a lot of fun. I would definitely recommend this school, but keep in mind that they expect you to behave in a certain way, and wear appropriate clothing(of course).
Again, this was fine for me for a month, but I wouldn't enjoy it longer than a month. I could choose between two classes, one class read a new chapter every day, and the other took it in a bit of a slower tempo. I chose the 1 chapter a day, which was difficult in the beginning, and the homework took a lot of time. But in the end i was happy with my choice!
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, Administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 17 July 2018
Dear Andrea-san
Thank you so much for your feedback for short term course.
We appreciated you have mentioned about us in details.
I am sure that this review will be such a good reference to
other students.
Please come and see us again whenever you are in Japan!
"Lots of work, but great support from the school!"
Boris Lau,
estudiante de EE.UU
(Translated by Google Translate)
Very much enjoyed the experience - the teachers had been exceptionally supportive and understanding for foreign students.
A note is that students would better be ready to commit to the school - the teaching would be fast pace and you will be mixed with students who are studying to go to university. In general expect at least 2 hours of homework / study time after school!
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Watanabe, administration staff at Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School responded to this review. 17 July 2018
Dear Boris-san
Thank you for your feedback about us.
Especially your comments about shcool work will be useful to know
about our teaching style.
Your Japanese has made an improvemet while you are here with us
and we hope you will keep up your Japanese!
Hope to see you again!
"This is exactly what i was looking for!"
Dawid Pastuszak,
estudiante de Polonia
(Translated by Google Translate)
My School experience was great. Teachers were very strict, yet very friendly. And when I say strict, I mean in good way. It wasn't like "you can learn a lot", more like "you have to learn a lot". So I was Happy because I had good motivation to work. People in my class were awesome. I made so many friends. Chinese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, People Philadelphia and Mexico. Teacher's gave me opportunity to join Aizen Matsuri and when the Taifu came to Osaka I was really well informed by the teacher what to do.
Location was really good, from my living place (J&F House) it took me 25 minutes by subway and 45 minutes by bike borrowed from one of my classmate's. And about J&F House, first impression was weird. Room's didn't look very nice and I felt a little shock. But it was only for half of the day, because living in J&F is really really fun.
Meeting a lot of people from all around the world is great experience. Everyone have their own interesting story, everyone's like family. People are using their own language, English and Japanese, so if you can't speak Japanese, don't worry you're not alone and If you want to practice there's a lot of opportunities.
I really appreciate how professional is the manager of the J&F Mr. Tatsushi. Once we had really troubled situation and Mr. Tatsushi solved it like the most professional person on the world. When I had problem's with my eyes, he even offered me to go with me to the doctor. I'm sure that one day I'll go to this school once again, it was the best time in my life.
Now, when I'm back, I can recommend this place for everyone who really want to learn language.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
"Nice teachers and fulfilling experience"
Holly Shum,
estudiante de EE.UU
(Translated by Google Translate)
Very traditional way of teaching. 1:20 teacher to student ratio may not be attentive to individual needs. Teachers are nice and helpful. Friendly classmates and great people. I would recommend people who already know some Japanese to attend the school. Facilities are very clean.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
"Very efficient course"
Simon Pilati,
estudiante de Alemania
(Translated by Google Translate)
School was very nice and well located in Abeno-ku. The course was intense, improving my language skills fast. Classes are all in Japanese, teachers were very competent and helpful, most students came from Vietnam and everyone is respectful and kind to each other.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
"Friendly, kind, awesome"
Michał Piątkowski,
estudiante de Polonia
(Translated by Google Translate)
I studied in this school previously. So I wanted to join the advance class, and I was able to get permission from Teacher Abeno. That was really important for me, and now I can say the school really helped me improved on my Japanese.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
"Dedicated teachers, total cultural and language immersion--everything I could have asked for."
Sourik Beltran,
estudiante de EE.UU
(Translated by Google Translate)
The classes were challenging but extremely rewarding. Having joined the A1 (beginner) class nearly three months late, I had a lot of catching up to do. The class is taught entirely in Japanese and all instructions/assignments are in Japanese as well. This all leads to a pretty steep learning/adjustment curve for people's first arrival (especially those arriving late). Nevertheless, the teachers were very kind, personable, and patient. It was clear that they genuinely care about their students' progress and I personally would not have been able to catch up without their support.
Monday prayers are a centering, calming way to reflect and feel a part of the i-SEIFU community. Every week a new speaker comes in to talk (in Japanese of course) about the work that they do or about different current events. It is a formal affair that seems to still have a warm, accessible air to it.
Overall, everything was excellent. It was truly a very meaningful experience and I learned close to a year's worth of Japanese (as taught in the US) within a month. I cannot think of a single thing that did not meet or surpass my expectations.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
"I love Japan, and I love Seifu!"
Michał Piątkowski,
estudiante de Polonia
(Translated by Google Translate)
I really like the teachers in this school. The teachers were really helpful and nice. The students of course very friendly and cheerful. I really like the school. Even until now, I have contact with the teachers and students. The housing was perfect. I always had delicious food to eat, and everything in the room was clean. Location was okay. I really like Oji. Next year, I think I will go back.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
"It was a great introduction as well in Japanese language as in Japanese customs."
Iris Dittmers,
estudiante de Alemania
(Translated by Google Translate)
Very friendly teachers, good learning. In the beginning, all customs seemed very strange to me but they were finally very useful. No English permitted at all which has advantages but also inconveniences.
The activity days consisted nearly only in standing and waiting but at least permitted to get in contact with other students.
It was a strange but great experience and I want to continue next year as soon as my work allows me to do so.
Many thanks to my teachers and the other students. I do both miss them so much!!!
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
"Unique and fantastic experience that I would gladly do it again."
Enrique Sierra Miranda,
estudiante de España
(Translated by Google Translate)
The classes were quite hard but that way you would learn faster and better this great language. The teachers are really kind and understanding; always there if you need anything. Both, the school and the residence location was in a fine zone with a metro stop close by, though quite apart one from another. The residence was neat, the householder were really kind even thought they don't speak English, the food provided by the residence cafeteria was absolutely wonderful. There are many places to go near the residence and the school once in a while prepared trips or events for the students. Really an amazing and excellent experience.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
"A great experience"
Marcelo C.P.
(Translated by Google Translate)
The school is pretty good, the teachers are attentive and friendly, and the pace of the course is pretty good. We had two lessons of “Minna no nihongo” per day.
You only have time to study during the week, so take advantage of the course.
In the end, all the time you spent in your short stay will stay with you. :D
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
"Really fullfilling experience"
Franco Eros Bibolotti,
estudiante de Argentina
(Translated by Google Translate)
My time at i-SEIFU Japanese Language School was really entertaining. The classes were organized and I could improve my Japanese a lot thanks to them, and the teachers were really good. The school was located kind of far away from the station I got off at every day. The school facilities were ok and the place where I stayed was great, but far away from the school.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Erica Zasimowicz Pinto Calaca,
estudiante de Brazil
(Translated by Google Translate)
I loved the classes. The teachers were very attentive, just like the rest of the staff who worked at i-SEIFU. One thing I really liked is that even teachers from other classes talk with you. This was great because we put into practice our Japanese. We had tests every lesson that we did and that was good because it helped to fix what we have learned. The location was also great; the school was very close to the subway. I loved it because it was great for tourism after class.
In the housing, the staff was great too. We talked every night as we watched TV. I learned a lot having contact with people from other places.
First, I went in Osaka in order to learn the Japanese language.
All is very different from Europe. It was very difficult to find someone who speaks English, French or German. But the people were very friendly, and tried to understand. Moreover, the indications were very useful and clear.
Then, at school, I had a problem: I didn't know enough Kanji. But i would learn this beautiful language, and the teachers helped me. Thanks to them, I could learn a lot about traditions and Japanese language.
Japan is a fantastic country with very friendly people, very interesting traditions and very beautiful and modern country.
I would like to thank my sensei for their help and their kindness.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
"A very good experience for people who likes to study abroad."
Pablo Gomez,
estudiante de Argentina
(Translated by Google Translate)
I like the school very much. It’s near to my house and the teachers are very nice and explain very well. About the facilities they are very comfortable and useful. Due to my short stay i didn´t do any social activities yet i would like that the school have more level diversity for example an intermediate level.
Éste es una opinión comprobado. El estudiante que escribió esta opinión compró el curso en esta escuela con Language International.
Apoyo para visas
La escuela no puede realizar el proceso de aplicación de visas en nombre de los estudiantes.
Vuelos y transporte al aeropuerto
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Osaka based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Seguro de viaje
Estudia en el extranjero sin preocupaciones con la cobertura del seguro de salud y de efectos personales de Language International. Cuando reservas un curso con nosotros, puedes optar por comprar un plan de seguro amplio que cubra no sólo tus costos de atención de la salud, ¡sino también la pérdida de tus pertenencias personales. Necesita reservar su seguro de antemano.
1-6-3 Maruyamadori, Abeno-ku Osaka city Osaka 545-0042 Japan
i-SEIFU está ubicado en un distrito educativo tranquilo con un entorno seguro. Está en el centro de Osaka y tiene fácil acceso al aeropuerto nacional / internacional y a las estaciones terminales de Kyoto, Nara, Kobe y Tokio.
También está a 15 minutos a pie del centro comercial de Tennoji y del distrito de entretenimiento de i-SEIFU. Tenemos ABENO HARUKAS, el edificio más alto de Japón.
Preguntas y respuestas
¿Preguntas? Recibe respuestas de nuestros consejeros estudiantiles, del personal de la escuela Seifu Institute of Information Technology / i-SEIFU Japanese Language School y de alumnos anteriores.
"Do you offer 32 weeks of course as well or only 26 and 52 weeks?"
Michel Blanc,
estudiante de Suiza
Shehab Shariah,
personal de la escuela Al Thuraya Arabic Language Center
We offer 24 weeks (6 months) or 1 year.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"How long is the intensive Japanese course? Could you provide more information on the available accommodations? Do you offer pick-ups?"
Nikolai Gauk,
estudiante de Rusia
Akif Kaya,
personal de la escuela Babil International Language School
In general, the Intensive Japanese course has summer holiday for 2 weeks from the first day of August. During the summer holiday, we hold summer course that focus on speaking and work-shop. As for the accommodation, school residences, except for residence in Hirano, are facilitated nearly the same and price is same but located in a different place. Hirano residence is for male and a room has no bathroom, so the price is lower than other residences. Kokawa-cho residence is for male and the room has bathroom inside. Uehonmachi residence is for female and the room has bathroom inside. About pick-up, we only offer one way pick-up for arrivals.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Does the student need to buy something in the school like books, or copies? Does the residency provide blankets and towels or the student
should bring them? What is the amount of meals that the student will receive?"
One textbook is included. In case the student need more textbook, teacher will order it with student's expenses. We will not require copy fee but if the student need a copy, he can do it on his own responsibility. The accommodation provides basic bed clothes including blankets and sheets but no towels are provided. It will be appreciated that the student will bring toiletry with towels. The accommodation serves breakfast and dinner from Monday to Saturday. There is no meal service on Sunday, festal day and fifth Saturday.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Does the student need to apply for a visa?"
Dyan Test,
estudiante de EE.UU
mehmet sentuerk,
personal de la escuela Turkish Language Center
Russia is not a country that is exempted visa to enter Japan, therefore, he needs a visa. He must ask the Japanese embassy in Russia by himself to find which type of
visa he can apply for and what documents are necessary for it. We can issue the letter of acceptance after receiving the payment for the course but can not issue a guarantee letter nor invitation letter.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"What is the application procedure?"
Alessandro Polidoro,
estudiante de Italia
Arzu Sekirden,
personal de la escuela Concept Languages
Application process: When students apply the course to Language International, please advice them to prepare necessary application documents. Students send you the scanned application documents and you forward those to us. We check those documents and will inform you if we find some items to be corrected. When we confirm the all documents are completed, students send us the original documents to us by post.
*Students can type the forms on the computer except signature. Signature should be hand writing.
Application documents:
1) Photo: 3 pieces 3*4cm
2) Application form
3) Pledge form (applicant / sponsor)
4) Personal record
5) Certificate of Japanese Proficiency (if possible)
6) Medical record
7) Certificate of Graduation or Diploma
8) Academic Transcript
9) Document of Financial Sponsorship form
10) Certificate of relationship between sponsor and applicant / Family register
11) Certificate of annual income
12) Written confirmation of occupation of sponsor
13) Copy of passport of applicant
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"I wanna know about seifu it college ranking in japan"
Ye Yint,
estudiante de Myanmar
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (administration staff)
Thank you for your question.
Since we don't have any officilal rankings for the language school,
we are not sure about our ranking.
If you refer to the reviews, you may have some idea of our school.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
"Greetings from Colombia, is there an age limit to learn the language? I am almost 50 years old, to take a course for a year, is it possible to get a part-time job there...?"
Nicolas Cárdenas,
estudiante de Colombia
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (Administration staff)
Thank you for your inquiery.
Unfortuately we only accept student under 35 years old, since our students are
mostly around 20 years old. Also we don't offer students a part time job.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"My birthday is at 26.12.2007, I will finish school in May 2025, and my age will be 17. Can I learn at this courses at 17 or I need to wait my 18th birthday?"
Ева Иванова,
estudiante de Kazajstán
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (administration staff)
You may apply our school with the pridge from your parents for under 18 years old.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Is there any class for EJU?"
Yee Mon Thu,
estudiante de Myanmar
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (Administration staff)
We only organize and prepare for the EJU contents in the class, when exam is closer ( Maybe one month before).
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"How many students are attend in N2 and N1 level ?? How many students are passed in N2 and N1 level??"
Ya Thu,
estudiante de Myanmar
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (administration staff)
We have around 170 overseas students. About 30% students are N2 or N1 students. The passing rate is hard to analyze every year, but average of 20%.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"I would like to know whether the student will be able to appear for N1 after the intensive Japabese 12 weeks course. Does it also include preparing business Japanese.
Thanks in advance."
Ketaki Jadhav,
estudiante de India
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (administration staff)
We will have special class for each of JLPT level when the test is close. Unfortunately we are only concentrate on going to higher education and not preparation course for business or job hunting.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Were do students that travel form other countries stay at? a home? or do i have to find out by my selfe"
santos acosta,
estudiante de
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (coordinator)
You need to arrange yourself an accommodation for 14 days separation.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"How do female students live in Osaka? Should we apply for accommodation by ourselves? Or are you going to give us the accommodation?"
Rikuto Rikuto,
estudiante de Japón
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (coordinator)
Since we don't support student to find an accommodation. Now days students book their accommodation through internet.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Hello, I would like to register in your school to learn the Japanese language for a period of one month, I would like to know is that you can only send me an invitation to get the visa because the embassy of Japan in Algeria is strict on this subject.
thank you"
wahid Souibes,
estudiante de Argelia
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (coordinator)
Unfortunately we can not make an invitation letter for short term student. We can only provide you a booking confirmation letter.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"I’d like to study at your school for 4 weeks or a little more starting early September . What can you recommend ?
My level is intermediate as I’ve studied Japanese and lived in Japan before ."
Sav Michael,
estudiante de Australia
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (coordinator)
Your class will be decided by placement test up on arrival. We will evaluate your Japanese skill in writing, listening and speaking.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"I'd like to take a 6 week course and it costs 861 euros.
Is the accomodation included in the price indicated on the website ?
If not, how much is it?"
Maxence Dubois,
estudiante de Francia
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (coordinator)
Our price is NOT including accommodation. Just a tuition fee. Unfortunately we don't support student to find their accommodation. We apologized for this inconvenience.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Hlo I pass 12th class from India , I learn Japanese language ,can I come japaj Osaka pls suggestions me"
Vinay Kumar Yadav,
estudiante de India
Takayuki Watanabe,
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (coordinator)
Thank you for your inquiry.
It is depends on your Japanese level and when you visit Japan.
Your Japanese level will be checked by our test.
If your Japanese is good enough, you may join anytime, however
if your Japanese level is beginner then we will suggest you to
join APR or SEP when we starts new class.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Do you HAVE 1 week course from 20 dec?"
Ellen Yoko Engelsen,
estudiante de Noruega
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (Administration staff)
No, we don't offer one week ocurse anytime.
4 weeks is the minimum length of short-term
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Do any of your staff members speak French?"
Emmanuelle PERRIN,
estudiante de Francia
Ali Al-Haj,
personal de la escuela Ali Baba International Center
Our principal speaks little French and I understand daily communication
in Italian.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
iSEIFU Japanese Language School school representative (administration staff)
Currentrly, we don't have any Franch speakers in our members.
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"What is the application procedure?"
Héctor Ignacio Cerda Díaz,
estudiante de Chile
Shehab Shariah,
personal de la escuela Al Thuraya Arabic Language Center
Application process: When students apply the course to Language International, please advice them to prepare necessary application documents. Students send you the scanned application documents and you forward those to us. We check those documents and wil
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Does the student need to have an insurance?"
Katrin katrin,
estudiante de Alemania
The student must do all office procedure regarding the insurance when they have an accident. In addition, all our students belong to the long-term course need to pay for National health insurance other than the insurance on the list. Therefore, even if a student buy an insurance with you, need to pay for National health insurance after coming to Japan. With National health insurance, student pay only 30% of medical fee when they go to a doctor. The insurance on the list is for a big accident like operation or staying at a hospital more than 5 days etc.,
Fue útil? Si Thank You!
(Translated by Google Translate)
"Is it possible that the students live in same student residence in 3 close rooms?"
Dyan Test,
estudiante de EE.UU
Akif Kaya,
personal de la escuela Babil International Language School
The accommodation has 3 available rooms on the same floor. It may change the floor if some of the rooms were taken by other people before the booking for your students. Please be sure that the accommodation is ONLY for MALE. Also, it takes about 30 minutes to come to the school by train.